Dear William

Dear William,

Wow, my little boy is 3! You’ve grown up so much recently, maybe it’s because you’ve just started pre-school but you’ve gone from being a toddler to a little boy overnight!

The thing that describes you best is your sense of fun; you’re always up for a laugh, always trying to make those around you giggle and always playing the joker. But you can also be a sensitive and gentle boy on the odd occasion and you love your mummy cuddles – long may that continue!

You’re still tractor/digger/car mad and as such, it will of course be the theme of your party this year. But you also love going to the zoo, you told me it was your favourite place to go and seeing the giraffes and penguins are your favourite animals!

Life as a middle child, and the only boy, is tough sometimes and your cheeky streak often gets you in trouble, but please know my dear boy, that Mummy and Daddy love you so much and we are so very proud of you no matter how many times you wind up on the naughty step. You are the best big brother to Imogen and I have adored watching you play with her, cuddle her, and comfort her when she’s upset. She clearly thinks you are absolutely amazing, as she’s always trying to copy you and giggle along with you! And you and Lydia can be the best of buddies at times, you are playing more and more imaginative games together, which is making life so fun.

Please don’t ever stop being you, the bubbly, cheeky chap who knows when to give someone a cuddle when they’re feeling down –  you are a little superstar.

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